InVivoSIM anti-human CTLA-4 (Ipilimumab Biosimilar)

货号 #SIM0004

¥2,336 - ¥80,624

  • 100 mg - ¥80,624
  • 50 mg - ¥45,296
  • 25 mg - ¥31,520
  • 5 mg - ¥9,024
  • 1 mg - ¥2,336
  • 定制包装(请询价)


This non-therapeutic biosimilar antibody uses the same variable regions from the therapeutic antibody Ipilimumab making it ideal for research use. This Ipilimumab biosimilar reacts with human CTLA-4 (cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4) also known as CD152. CTLA-4 is a 33 kDa cell surface receptor encoded by the Ctla4 gene that belongs to the CD28 family of the Ig superfamily. CTLA-4 is expressed on activated T and B lymphocytes. CTLA-4 is structurally similar to the T-cell co-stimulatory protein, CD28, and both molecules bind to the B7 family members B7-1 (CD80) and B7-2 (CD86). Upon ligand binding, CTLA-4 negatively regulates cell-mediated immune responses. CTLA-4 plays roles in induction and/or maintenance of immunological tolerance, thymocyte development, and regulation of protective immunity. CTLA-4 is among a group of inhibitory receptors being used as cancer treatment targets through immune checkpoint blockade. Ipilimumab binds to CTLA-4, blocking the inhibitory signal, which allows the cytotoxic T cells to kill cancer cells.


同种型 Human IgG1
推荐的同型对照 RecombiMAb human IgG1 isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme
推荐稀释缓冲液 InVivoPure pH 7.0 Dilution Buffer
免疫原 Human CTLA-4
Reported Applications CTLA-4 neutralization Flow Cytometry ELISA Western Blot
形式 PBS, pH 7.0 Contains no stabilizers or preservatives
内毒素 <1EU/mg (<0.001EU/μg) Determined by LAL gel clotting assay
聚合 <5% Determined by SEC
纯化 >95% Determined by SDS-PAGE
无菌性 0.2 μM filtration
生产 Purified from cell culture supernatant
提纯 Protein A
RRID AB_2894725
分子量 150 kDa
小鼠病原体试验 Mouse Norovirus: Negative Mouse Parvovirus: Negative Mouse Minute Virus: Negative Mouse Hepatitis Virus: Negative Reovirus Screen: Negative Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis virus: Negative Lactate Dehydrogenase-Elevating Virus: Negative Mouse Rotavirus: Negative Theiler's Murine Encephalomyelitis: Negative Ectromelia/Mousepox Virus: Negative Hantavirus: Negative Polyoma Virus: Negative Mouse Adenovirus: Negative Sendai Virus: Negative Mycoplasma Pulmonis: Negative Pneumonia Virus of Mice: Negative Mouse Cytomegalovirus: Negative K Virus: Negative
保存 The antibody solution should be stored at the stock concentration at 4°C. Do not freeze.