RecombiMAb anti-mouse CTLA-4 (CD152)

货号 #CP146

¥2,336 - ¥63,312

  • 1 mg - ¥2,336
  • 100 mg - ¥63,312
  • 50 mg - ¥45,296
  • 25 mg - ¥31,520
  • 5 mg - ¥9,024
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The 9H10-CP146 monoclonal antibody is a chimeric version of the original 9H10 antibody. The variable domain sequences are identical to the original 9H10 but the constant region sequences have been switched from Syrian hamster IgG to mouse IgG1. 9H10-CP146 reacts with mouse CTLA-4 (cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4) also known as CD152. CTLA-4 is a 33 kDa cell surface receptor encoded by the Ctla4 gene that belongs to the CD28 family of the Ig superfamily. CTLA-4 is expressed on activated T and B lymphocytes. CTLA-4 is structurally similar to the T-cell co-stimulatory protein, CD28, and both molecules bind to the B7 family members B7-1 (CD80) and B7-2 (CD86). Upon ligand binding, CTLA-4 negatively regulates cell-mediated immune responses. CTLA-4 plays roles in induction and/or maintenance of immunological tolerance, thymocyte development, and regulation of protective immunity. The critical role of CTLA-4 in immune down-regulation has been demonstrated in CTLA-4 deficient mice, which succumb at 3-5 weeks of age due to the development of a lymphoproliferative disease. CTLA-4 is among a group of inhibitory receptors being explored as cancer treatment targets through immune checkpoint blockade. The 9H10 antibody has been shown to promote T cell co-stimulation by blocking CTLA-4 binding to the B7 co-receptors, allowing for CD28 binding.


同种型 Mouse IgG1, κ
推荐的同型对照 InVivoPlus mouse IgG1 isotype control, unknown specificity
推荐稀释缓冲液 InVivoPure pH 7.0 Dilution Buffer
免疫原 Mouse CTLA-4-human IgG1 fusion protein
Reported Applications in vivo CTLA-4 neutralization* in vitro CTLA-4 neutralization* Western blot *Reported for the original Syrian hamster IgG 9H10 antibody
形式 PBS, pH 7.0 Contains no stabilizers or preservatives
内毒素 <1EU/mg (<0.001EU/μg) Determined by LAL gel clotting assay
聚合 <5% Determined by SEC
纯化 >95% Determined by SDS-PAGE
无菌性 0.2 μM filtration
生产 Purified from CHO cell supernatant in an animal free facility
提纯 Protein A
RRID AB_2927521
分子量 150 kDa
小鼠病原体试验 Mouse Norovirus: Negative Mouse Parvovirus: Negative Mouse Minute Virus: Negative Mouse Hepatitis Virus: Negative Reovirus Screen: Negative Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis virus: Negative Lactate Dehydrogenase-Elevating Virus: Negative Mouse Rotavirus: Negative Theiler's Murine Encephalomyelitis: Negative Ectromelia/Mousepox Virus: Negative Hantavirus: Negative Polyoma Virus: Negative Mouse Adenovirus: Negative Sendai Virus: Negative Mycoplasma Pulmonis: Negative Pneumonia Virus of Mice: Negative Mouse Cytomegalovirus: Negative K Virus: Negative
保存 The antibody solution should be stored at the stock concentration at 4°C. Do not freeze.